Please read the Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") before you proceed to download, install, use all or any part of the "JCMNippon Applicator App" application (hereinafter referred to as " "Application" (including but not limited to software, files and related materials) or use the services provided by Company " JCMNippon Private Limited " (hereinafter referred to as "Company's Name"). to connect to the application. You agree and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement when performing the above actions. In case you disagree with any of our terms of use (this version and the updated versions), please do not download, install, use the Application, or remove the Application from the device. be your mobile.

    1. Update

    This Agreement may be updated from time to time by "JCMNippon Private Limited" the updated version will be posted on our website (""). The updated version will replace the terms and conditions of the original agreement. You can access the application or visit the website above for a detailed description of the updated version.

    2. About the Application

    "JCMNippon applicator App" is a dedicated customer care application for professional contractors (using paint products), professional painters and professional painters from " JCMNippon Private Limited participating in the program. The application uses the device as a smartphone to scan the bar code on the product to (1) Earn points by participating in the program " JCMNippon applicator App " (2); Customer Care is a professional construction contractor (using paint products), professional paint contractors and professional painters who buy and use "Nippon" paint for their projects; (3) Track cumulative points and bonus types; (4) receive notice of product information, promotion; (5) participate in entertainment programs, check and supplement knowledge It supports all smart devices with Android, IOS platform.

    3. Application Ownership

    This Application is developed and owned by "JCMNippon Private Limited", all intellectual property rights relating to the Application (including but not limited to source code, image, data, information, content contained modifications, additions, updates of the Application) and related documentation (if any) will be solely owned by " JCMNippon Private Limited", " and no individual or entity may be copied, reproduced, distributed, or otherwise infringe upon the rights of the owner without the express written consent of " JCMNippon Private Limited ".

    4. Account

    To use the Application you must be a "Member" of the "JCMNippon Applicator App" program. Register your membership by contacting the Hotline "+855 23 211 854" for information. The operator will send information to the regions to arrange the market attendance clerk and gather the registration information. Send us your information via our agent or directly to " JCMNippon Private Limited". The information includes: Name, Date of Birth, Permanent Resident Address, Phone Number, ID Number, Information bank account master account.

    You represent that your use of the account is subject to the " JCMNippon Private Limited", " and that all information you provide to us is true, accurate and complete at the time of the request. All your rights and obligations will be based on the account information you have registered, so if there is any false information we will not be liable in the event that such information affects or expires your rights.

    5. Regulations on use of accounts

    You have the right to use the Application and other services we provide, but such use shall not include the following acts without the written consent of " JCMNippon Private Limited", ":
    • Copy, modify, reproduce, create new or derivative works based on this Application;
    • Sell, transfer, re-grant, disclose or otherwise transfer or transfer part or all of the Application to any third party;
    • Use the Application to provide services to any third party (organization or individual);
    • Move, remove, change any legitimate notice or sign of the Application (including but not limited to copyright claims);
    • Redesign, compile, remove, modify, reverse engineer the Application or the Application;
    • Change or cancel the initial state of the Application;
    • Use the Application to take any action that harms the network security of " JCMNippon Private Limited", ", including but not limited to data usage or access to the system server or account. licensed; access to the network to delete, edit and add information; distribute malicious programs, viruses, or take any other action to harm or destroy the network;
    • Log in and use the Application with a third party compatible software or system not developed, licensed or approved by " JCMNippon Private Limited";
    • Use, sell, loan, copy, modify, connect to, translate, distribute, publicize the information related to the Application, build a micro site to publicize this information or to distribute develop derivative works, work or services;
    • Use the Application or other services provided by " JCMNippon Private Limited" in any manner that violates any law, for any illegal purpose;
    • For the Multi-Link Membership, when a Member accepts participation, and successfully installs the App, the interface, the information of the Enduring Benefits, the Member is not disclosures of members, information on the points of their affiliates with " JCMNippon Private Limited", without the consent of " JCMNippon Private Limited " and that member in writing.
    • Other forms of infringement ...

    6. Rules of Participation for Painters Program " JCMNippon applicator App " - Partner durable

    The cardholder is responsible for reviewing, carefully reading the content and agreeing to participate in the program before using the card.

    6.1. Manage cards

    • 6.1.1 At any time, this card is the property of "JCMNippon Private Limited", the cardholder can not transfer the card to another person and must store and store the card.
    • 6.1.2 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to seize or invalidate the card in the following cases: a) The card is replaced or damaged; b / The card has been lost or lost; c) Expiry of the validity term; d) The card is misused or disclosed; e) The card is terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this regulation.

      Long Term Participation Members must maintain confidentiality of their affiliated companies with " JCMNippon Private Limited ", not to disclose or share any information related to " JCMNippon Private Limited "(including programs, notices, information, privacy, etc.) and other members to third parties without the consent of" Company's Name ".

      Any use of the card after the occurrence of the above events is considered illegal and the cardholder will have to compensate " JCMNippon Private Limited " for any damages or losses that " JCMNippon Private Limited " suffered due to the cardholder. Fails to comply with the provisions of this clause.

    6.2. Account and point accrual for cards

    Cardholders must commit to accruing exactly the products they have purchased for the points accumulation on their membership card.

    " JCMNippon Private Limited " has a system to detect unusual transactions during the accumulation of points and reserves the right not to accumulate points or remove all points accumulated successfully and permanently expunged to It excludes from the Program "JCMNippon Applicator App" the following offenses: a) Fraud in the accumulation of points; b) Grab the points of other members; c) Deal with dealers to accumulate the products they didn’t buy ...

    6.3. Commitment of the cardholder

    • 6.3.1 The Cardholder undertakes to present personal identification documents, providing accurate and timely information when he / she goes to the " JCMNippon Private Limited " for a better reward.
    • 6.3.2 Cardholder undertakes not to accrue points which are inconsistent with the point requirement when using the card (Article 6.2)
    • 6.3.3 The scorecard system corresponds to the product that is " JCMNippon Private Limited " officially listed on the dealer and on the website. In the event that the cardholder makes a point transaction that exceeds or does not match the score listed in the scorecard system for any reason, such as system error or security error, JCMNippon Private Limited "has the right to retrieve the excess points in the transaction.
    • 6.3.4 The Cardholder undertakes to carefully read the terms and conditions of use of the "JCMNippon Applicator App" application on the phone before downloading and using the "JCMNippon Applicator App" application.

    6.4. Rights and responsibilities of the cardholder

    • 6.4.1 When card is lost and / or stolen or damaged, Cardholder has the right to request " JCMNippon Private Limited " to reissue card to replace old card.

      6.4.2 The Cardholder must immediately notify " JCMNippon Private Limited " of any changes relating to the Cardholder's information, including changes in address and other contact details or any changes. Any other information that " JCMNippon Private Limited " requires from time to time
    • 6.4.3 Cardholder shall bear all arising (if any) for: a) Spot transactions made due to errors of the card holder or due to misuse by others b) Transfer of the right to receive gifts Reward others by using the card or personal identification card of the cardholder
    • 6.4.4 Upon discovery and proof of error or suspicion of errors in the accumulation of points or rewards, the cardholder has the right to request " JCMNippon Private Limited " to investigate his / her cumulative account.
    • 6.4.5. The cardholder is responsible for providing full details of his or her master bank account to " JCMNippon Private Limited " prior to the date of the deposit. " JCMNippon Private Limited " will not be responsible for late payment due to delayed or overdue updating of the bank account as stated in the notice.
    • 6.4.6 The Cardholder is responsible for providing project information related to the point-in-place product for " JCMNippon Private Limited "
    • 6.4.7 When the User has registered a password (depending on the conditions and application development stage), when the User loses his / her password, the password will be sent to the connection source (telephone or email). ... depending on the interaction conditions at that time of " JCMNippon Private Limited " used by the Member when joining.

    6.5. Rights and Responsibilities of " JCMNippon Private Limited "

    • 6.5.1 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to expel members temporarily or permanently from JCMNippon Applicator App when:

      a) Member violates rule 6.2 of the rules for participation in this program, we have the right to conduct inspection of works, information products of that member.

      b) Members intentionally cheat / scan other people's products

      c) Members scan products without buying

      d) Members deliberately interfere with the system to deliberately create their virtual points

      e) Non-eligible members of the " JCMNippon Private Limited " program.

      f) Member is found to be incorrect or incompatible with the definition of "Member" as set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement

      g) Members who engage with other members to build benefit systems out of the spirit of the Long Term Benefits program for the benefit of the member and / or group of beneficiaries.

      h) ... etc

    • 6.5.2 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to block membership cards in the following cases:

      a) Being suspected of being dishonest during the accumulation of points

      b) Members who have been in the category for 3 months do not have any transaction

      c) Members do not cooperate with " JCMNippon Private Limited " such as not responding to messages and calls

      d) Members who engage with other members to build benefit systems out of the spirit of the Long Term Benefits program for the benefit of the member and / or group of beneficiaries.

    • 6.5.3 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to use, store, provide or exchange information about cardholders, point-of-sale transactions or other transactions for the benefit of cardholders.
    • 6.5.4. " JCMNippon Private Limited " is responsible for rewarding customers with the form of annual bank rewards with the condition that the account has a duration of more than 6 months.

    6.6. Majeure

    • Force Majeure includes events such as: natural disasters, war, cases of errors caused by the application caused such as unusual points increase or loss of transaction points.
    • When a force majeure event occurs, the two parties will suspend performance under this contract. " JCMNippon Private Limited " will notify the cardholder. Upon termination of the Force Majeure Event, the parties will continue to perform their obligations under this program agreement
    • In the case of errors caused by the application such as the system to send members increased points unusual card class, the maximum bonus will not exceed 1,000Usd for the Platinum card, 500 Usd for for Gold, 300Usd for Silver.

    6.7. Other rules

    • 6.7.1 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to amend or supplement the terms and conditions, modify the expiration date and / or other details of the issued card, replace the card at any time by Alert before effective for cardholder
    • 6.7.2. " JCMNippon Private Limited " will establish a hotline to receive and handle timely responses from cardholders. Cardholders may contact "Company's Name" on +855 23 211 854 hotline for advice, product inquiries and / or point-of-sale deals or other transactions.
    • 6.7.3. " JCMNippon Private Limited " will provide information on fraudulent cards, checks, reviews, updates to the list of refusal to pay bonuses and presents if the rules of this regulation are violated.
    • 6.7.4. For cardholders who do not receive money at the time of bonus deposit due to incomplete or inaccurate account information, all remaining points will be reserved and " JCMNippon Private Limited " will be paid in the next period.
    • 6.7.5. In the case after the reward, " JCMNippon Private Limited " discovers that the cardholder has evidence of fraud or non-participating member of the " JCMNippon Private Limited program. At the present time of " JCMNippon Private Limited ", the member is responsible for refunding the prize money to " JCMNippon Private Limited " or agree to be deducted from the bonus accumulated in the next period.
    • 6.7.6 " JCMNippon Private Limited " reserves the right to change the bonus structure and entitlement to participate in the Long Term Benefits Program at any time by posting on the "Company's Website". And / or be notified via our "JCMNippon Applicator App" application.
    • 6.7.7 In the event of a dispute between the cardholder and " JCMNippon Private Limited ". The JCMNippon Private Limited is the final decision.

    7. Dealing with application intervention violations

    If you violate any of the provisions of this Agreement, " JCMNippon Private Limited " shall immediately lock your account and / or remove all offending content and information. The nature and extent of the violation will be the responsibility of the " JCMNippon Private Limited ".

    8. Access to and collection of information

    • By using the Application, you acknowledge that we have the right to use the following system APIs to access the data on your device: (1) Read and write to the Gallery (2) Get your current location with consent, (3) Write application data to a memory card, (4) Access the Internet from your device (5) Access and use the camera from your device. All of these accesses are made by us after your consent, so you commit and acknowledge that, once you have given us your permission, you will not have any claims against us, with " JCMNippon Private Limited " for this access.
    • Along with your access, we will collect the following information

      Personal Information: Include the information you provide us with to confirm your account such as name, phone number, identity card number, permanent address, master account, email address;

      General information: As for your phone configuration information, the "JCMNippon Applicator App" version information you are using for your phone;

      Your location information: Your geo-location data will be stored on the server to help you use App search;

      Photo Library: We will store your phone images on the server to best assist you in using the application and prevent you from losing data. We are committed to respecting and not using your image for any purpose without your consent;

      We do not use any measures to monitor the content of messages, exchanges or other forms to track users using this Application.

    9. Commit to confidentiality of information

    " JCMNippon Private Limited " uses secure https and encrypted communications to transmit and store your personal and communications data. We are committed to keeping all information you provide to " JCMNippon Private Limited " confidential, or we collect from you and do not disclose it to any third party unless required by the State Government. rights.

    10. Fees and charges

    " JCMNippon Private Limited " promises not to charge any fees from users for the basic services that we currently provide.

    11. Advertising and bonuses of "JCMNippon Applicator App"

    By using the "JCMNippon Applicator App" application, (1) You acknowledge that we have the right to use your anonymous information to provide advertising to the right audience; (2) It is your responsibility to JCMNippon Private Limited " rewards.

    12. Contact Us

    Company " JCMNippon Private Limited ":

    Tel: +855 23 99 4567


    Hotline: +855 23 211 854

    Thank you for using our products and services.